As I’m sure you’re all aware, Georgia Elizabeth Moffett is the daughter of the fifth actor to play the Doctor in “Doctor Who”, Peter Davison, and the actress who played Trillian in “The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy”, Sandra Dickinson. Georgia was born on Christmas Day, 1984, on the eve of her parents’ sixth wedding anniversary! After David Troughton, Private Moor in episode six of second Doctor adventure “The War Games” and King Peladon in Jon Pertwee/Ice Warrior escapade “The Curse of Peladon”, Miss Moffett is the second child of an actor who played the Doctor to have a speaking role in “Doctor Who”. She will be appearing in this weekend’s episode, in the pivotal part of Jenny. Her character is presumed to be none other than “The Doctor’s Daughter” - irony duly noted - and, no doubt, destined to become this year’s Sally Sparrow, in that she will be seen as the perfect companion who never was! Adding fuel to the fire, it’s rumoured she originally auditioned for the role of Rose Tyler!! But, then, every young actress under the sun seems to have applied for that particular job!!!
I expect it must prey on Georgia’s nerves, to a certain extent, being the offspring of other famous thespians, if her achievements are continually undermined and dismissed because of that very fact. She has already proved herself independent of her parents, certainly in the acting profession, in a returning role in ITV cop drama “The Bill”. Over a period of more than two years, from the end of 2002 to the beginning of 2005, Georgia played DS Samantha Nixon’s daughter, Abigail, on and off for a total of twenty-five episodes. “The Tripods” actress Lisa Maxwell played her mum so the science fiction connection, in a way, arrives full circle this weekend! Despite still only being twenty-three years old, last year Georgia worked with her real-life dad, playing Tanya, on his series “The Last Detective”, in an episode entitled “Once Upon a Time on the Westway”, in which Davison stars as DC “Dangerous” Davies! The young actress says Peter still hasn’t completely grasped that she’s actually in the same series he finished making nearly a quarter of a century ago! This Saturday, though, for one night only, well - apart from repeats, a different “Doctor” gets to be Georgia’s father!! But, is David Tennant really her dad?
I expect it must prey on Georgia’s nerves, to a certain extent, being the offspring of other famous thespians, if her achievements are continually undermined and dismissed because of that very fact. She has already proved herself independent of her parents, certainly in the acting profession, in a returning role in ITV cop drama “The Bill”. Over a period of more than two years, from the end of 2002 to the beginning of 2005, Georgia played DS Samantha Nixon’s daughter, Abigail, on and off for a total of twenty-five episodes. “The Tripods” actress Lisa Maxwell played her mum so the science fiction connection, in a way, arrives full circle this weekend! Despite still only being twenty-three years old, last year Georgia worked with her real-life dad, playing Tanya, on his series “The Last Detective”, in an episode entitled “Once Upon a Time on the Westway”, in which Davison stars as DC “Dangerous” Davies! The young actress says Peter still hasn’t completely grasped that she’s actually in the same series he finished making nearly a quarter of a century ago! This Saturday, though, for one night only, well - apart from repeats, a different “Doctor” gets to be Georgia’s father!! But, is David Tennant really her dad?
She's certainly not hard on the eye... I'm quite intrigued by Saturday's episode and so am keeping an open mind about it. Karen and I are wondering if this particular plotline is how the DW are going to get round the problem of the Doctor's last regeneration...
Georgia Moffett...TOOT TOOT !!!
Ms Moffett is a bit of a babe, it has to be said and I'm looking forward to seeing her debut. And yes, rather appropriate that Peter Davison's own daughter should be appearing in the show.
I have to say though I wish they'd kept the revelation of her being the Time Lord's offspring under wraps until the actual broadcast. Calling the episode "The Dr's Daughter" totally blows the gaff, and it would have been nice to have kept such a potentially mind-blowing idea secret for longer - it's not every day the Dr meets his own child! Although as you point out, Tim, I guess there is a slim chance that she might NOT be the actual daughter of the Doc - perhaps it's more allegorical? Oh I don't know, we'll see!
From the clips she looks a bit Sigourney Weaver-esque, running about with her gun and doing backward flips through laser beams! Tough girl!
Nice to see you all approve! I thought it about time I chose somebody currently on telly to profile in the "Visions" slot.
Steve, technically the Doctor is allowed three more faces before retirement. One storyline in the classic series saw the Master reach his final incarnation then steal a replacement body, so anything is possible, in order to prolong the Doctor's lifespan beyond its allotted time, including using his DNA to create a "daughter".
Georgia is indeed a hottie, Andrew!
Simon, I caught some of her "Bill" episodes, as my parents enjoy it, and Little Miss M isn't a bad actress so hopefully she got the job on her own merit. But, it's certainly a neat turn of events casting her in such a part in the show!
I expect the production team were happy to give the game away, in the title, because there's no doubt a twist to the tale... not to mention all the inevitable publicity that naturally follows!
My first thought, after posting the clips on my "Jukebox" blog, was "Buffy" rather than Sigourney but, on reflection, the laser stuff is a bit "Resident Evil"!
She's a fat, ugly, slutty whore who needs to see a shrink.
Sounds like my kinda girl!
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