It's Christmas and Jackie Tyler is at home preparing for the festive season, not knowing if her daughter Rose will be home in time - or at all! Then she hears the familiar, ancient grind of the TARDIS...
Mickey, Rose's sometime boyfriend, is hard at work at the garage when he also recognises the sound. Both he and Rose's mum race across the estate just in time to witness the TARDIS' gloriously chaotic crash-landing. The doors open and, much to their delight, out steps Rose but with a complete stranger - except it isn't a stranger - it's the Doctor.
Disorientated, yet overwhelmed to see them, the Doctor takes a few minutes to regain his balance and consider what it is he wants to tell them. "Oh! I know! Merry Christmas!" he yells, before collapsing.
The Doctor falls in and out of consciousness, with Rose and Jackie powerless to help him. In a bid to boost Rose's spirits, Mickey suggests a spot of Christmas shopping. A good plan - until they find themselves under attack by a sinister brass band of masked Santas.
However, the Doctor and his friends are not the only ones with problems. Prime Minister Harriet Jones has just been informed that a British space probe, on its way to Mars for a Christmas Day landing, has gone missing. It has been kidnapped by a monstrous race known as the Sycorax, who are hellbent on taking over the world.
Meanwhile, back at the Tylers', Mickey and Jackie are trying to fend off a killer Christmas tree, while Rose tries urgently to wake the Doctor...
1 comment:
hi there, hope your Christmas break is going well.
No I didn't see the Fairytale of New York documentary, since it was on digital and our freeview box is playing up. I asked my parents to tape it but they can't tape from digital. We're generally very technically challenged in my family....
I never gave you the website address for the fan club. It's http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/kirstymaccoll/ (hope that works). If you join then you can get access to some interesting stuff like pictures, articles, song files etc. I didn't go to the meet this year but i hope to go next year and drag my mum along as she is also a fan.
You probably already know about www.kirstymaccoll.com which has loads of interesting stuff, I especially like the guitar chord section :)
Hope to see you in the fanclub.
Happy New Year!
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