Ten days to go until David Tennant makes his debut as Doctor number ten! The significance of the title of this post will become clear when you see the part of the episode where Mickey hears the TARDIS above the radio!! The remarkable thing is that "Doctor Who" hasn't appeared on Christmas Day for exactly forty years!!! That episode was "The Feast of Steven" and appeared as light relief in the middle of the 12-part "Daleks' Master Plan" epic in which first Doctor William Hartnell turned to the camera to wish viewers a Merry Christmas.
The new episode sounds as though it follows the structure used for the closing two episodes of the Chris Eccleston season. The first half, instead of robot game-show presenters, features a deadly quartet of robot brass instrument-playing Santas and a lethal rotating Christmas tree as the vanguard to the alien invasion. This time, instead of Daleks, we meet the Sycorax. My first thought on seeing this new villain was that Jon Pertwee's Doctor would have enjoyed them because of the half mask design, which he believed allowed the actor behind the make-up to give a real performance.
Christmas this year is a "Doctor Who" feast across both TV and Radio with the documentary "Regeneration", next Tuesday on Radio 2 at 8:30pm, preceding the television special. Before that on BBC7, beginning this Saturday, Robert ("Dalek") Shearman's highly regarded 4-part eighth Doctor story, "The Chimes of Midnight", also set on Christmas Eve, receives its first broadcast. Chris Eccleston's season is rerun on BBC THREE from Boxing Day in daily double bills leading up to the first repeat of "The Christmas Invasion" on New Year's Day, exactly a week after its first transmission. All-in-all, a lot to look forward to!
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