1. Smith and Jones by Russell T. Davies, directed by Charles Palmer (New companion, Sontaran-like Judoon, the Moon, Anne Reid, Roy Marsden)
2. The Shakespeare Code by Gareth Roberts, directed by Charles Palmer (Flying witches)
3. Episode 3 by Russell T. Davies, directed by Richard Clarke (New Earth, Face of Boe, Ardal O'Hanlon)
4. Daleks in Manhattan (part one) by Helen Raynor, directed by James Strong (1930s, New York, Showgirls, Miranda Raison)
5. Episode 5 (part two) by Helen Raynor, directed by James Strong
6. The Lazarus Experiment by Stephen Greenhorn, directed by Richard Clarke (Fountain of Youth, Mark Gatiss)
7. 42 by Chris Chibnall, directed by Graeme Harper
8. Human Nature (part one) by Paul Cornell, directed by Charles Palmer (The Doctor settles down to lead a "normal" life in a boarding school)
9. The Family of Blood (part two) by Paul Cornell, directed by Charles Palmer
10. Blink by Steven Moffat, directed by Hettie MacDonald
11. Utopia by Russell T. Davies, directed by Graeme Harper (Return of Captain Jack)
12. The Sound of Drums (part one) by Russell T. Davies, directed by Colin Teague (Sir Derek Jacobi as the Professor)
13. Episode 13 (part two) by Russell T. Davies, directed by Colin Teague
Glad to see Steven Moffat's still writing for DW. I've loved his work since Press Gang.
Nice summary Tim. Ooooh it's so exciting, only one month away! (Have you seen the start date, March 31st?)
I hope the Chris Chibnall story isn't as sh*t as some of his Torchwood stuff. I don't rate him very highly as a writer atall.
I think I'm most looking forward to the Dalek two-parter, the Paul Cornell story and the season finale. And seeing the return of Captain Jack. Oh to hell with it, I'm looking forward to ALL of it!
I'm looking forward to the Captain Jack story too.
I'm looking forward to the Daleks return because I love the Daleks. However, I can't help but feel that they are verging on overkill with Dalek storylines. Just think that they should give it a rest for a season and come up with something new. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing.
Steve, I think Steven Moffat wrote the most interesting story in Chris Eccleston’s year of “Doctor Who” but didn’t care for last year’s “Girl in the Fireplace” as much as some. I remember “Press Gang” too. At the time, I preferred Lucy Benjamin to Julia Sawalha, who came across as a bit bossy, but not so now! I thought “Coupling” was a good successor to the same channel’s “Game On”.
I’ve seen the start date, Simon, a week earlier than expected although, apparently, it was originally scheduled for the 24th and has had to be postponed a week for a football match!
I don’t rate Chibnall particularly highly either. I found some of his “Torchwood” episodes to be needlessly violent and Graeme Harper, who is directing his story, in the past, hasn’t shied away from the more visceral elements. The combination of the two could make it interesting?
I notice the stories you’re most looking forward to are the three two-parters! I, too, am also looking forward to the Dalek episodes. I really don’t feel, Karen, as if we’ve had a substantial story featuring them since the programme’s return. Firstly, there was a story featuring just one of them, fine though that story is; secondly, their return en masse was dissipated (for me) by the game show nonsense preceding their appearance; and, most recently, they had to share the limelight with the Cybermen. I would prefer both parts of the new Dalek story to be on a similar plane to the second half of Paul McGann’s recent radio adventure, “Blood of the Daleks”.
Bizarrely I always had a soft spot for Tiddler and weirdly the girl who played her was older than most of the other cast members.
Julia was always number one, of course. Guess I just love bossy women!
I agree with Karen's comments, the Daleks in Manhattan story looks good but I think the pepperpots should be well and truly laid to rest after that. There is such a thing as overdoing it. Apparently the BBC have only got the rights to the Terry Nation estate for three years which would explain why they've been used so much - they want to cram in as many Dalek appearances as possible before their sell by date!
I also agree that Steven Moffatt is a good writer - and The Empty Child/Dr Dances was better than The Girl In The Fireplace.
So they held Dr Who back by a week because of the bloody football?!? Honestly. I think our fellow blogger Steve would have something to say about that!
Mmm yes well I will reserve judgment on the Chibnall story til it's broadcast! With the rather trashy Michelle Collins starring in it I'm not holding high hopes! Miaow. Maybe that's a bit unfair, as another Eastenders actress, Tracey Ann Oberman, who was a bit naff in that programme actually turned out to be very good as Yvonne Hartman in last season's finale. Apparently she did her duty for queen and country.
I have to disagree with you Tim, on the whole I think the Daleks new adventures were all pretty good, with "Dalek" probably being the most thought-provoking.
Too bloody right1 Down with football! Burn the pitches!
In a bizarre twist of fate the "word verification" thingie that allowed me to leave this comment today was "refavdog" - Ref 'av' dog. I kid you not. Some weird football voodoo is occurring...
Am I looking forwrd to this... yes I am !!! :) But I'll be holding my Rose Tyler pic close to my chest while I watch, just don't tell my missus !
Andrew, I won’t mention it to your missus as long as you don’t let on that, while I’m watching the new series, Nicola Bryant will be clutching a picture of me close to her chest!
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