Following on from recent discussion concerning the ideal approximate age an actor should be in order to best interpret and be convincing in the role of the Doctor, in “Doctor Who”, I stumbled across a “60 Second Interview” with “X-Men 2” actor Brian Cox in the February 2nd issue of “Metro”, funnily enough on the day his episode of “Inspector Morse” was being repeated in the afternoon on ITV1! Asked if he’d like to play a baddie in Russell T Davies’ revival of the series, having played a Dalek in a pantomime in Edinburgh when very young, his views are pretty much in accordance with those of many diehard fans of the programme…
“I’ve seen the new series and it’s very impressive but I liked the old Dr Who, with the creaky old Cybermen and wobbly sets. Part of the appeal was that it was a bit rough. Now it’s all hi-tech, it doesn’t have the same effect on me. These days, Dr Who has to be a young leading man but I liked the Patrick Troughtons and Jon Pertwees - they weren’t these movie star types, just good character actors. It’d be good to see an older Dr Who but you won’t get that again. It’s all about demographics now.”
I guess there's a certain amount of truth in what Mr Cox says. I think David Tennant was chosen for his looks / sex appeal as much as his acting ability.
Was watching Tom Baker in "Keeper of Traken" this evening and loving his performance - even in the twilight of his time as the Doc he is just superb.
Tom always had a gleam in his eye and it’s very infectious. There’s just nothing pretentious about his portrayal. You’ve only got to watch him for a minute and he makes you feel welcome. Then there’s the Roger Limb score!
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