Tuesday, 1 April 2008

“Doctor Who” Series Four - Campfire Trailer, Episode Titles and Authors

01. “Partners in Crime” by Russell T Davies
02. “The Fires of Pompeii” by James Moran
03. “Planet of the Ood” by Keith Temple
04. “The Sontaran Stratagem” by Helen Raynor
05. “The Poison Sky” by Helen Raynor
06. “The Doctor’s Daughter” by Stephen Greenhorn
07. “The Unicorn and the Wasp” by Gareth Roberts
08. “Silence in the Library” by Steven Moffat
09. “Forest of the Dead” by Steven Moffat
10. “Midnight” by Russell T Davies
11. “Turn Left” by Russell T Davies
12. (This title is being kept under wraps, for the moment, probably because it includes the word Daleks!) by Russell T Davies
13. “Journey’s End” by Russell T Davies


  1. Bloody hell - HOW many episodes is RTD writing this year? Doesn't bode well at all.

    And the more I see of Catherine Tate, the less I can take her seriously.

  2. I'm really not going to be able to watch The Fires Of Pompeii without expecting Frankie Howard to leap out from behind a pillar...!

  3. RTD has written the same number of episodes as last year, Rol, five, but it's still five too many! It's just that four of them are lumped together at the end because, this year, rather than script episode three, he's decided to write the Doctor-lite episode as it reintroduces Rose. You don't like the lovely Catherine, then?!!

    It would probably improve it if he did, Steve! But, at least that episode boasts three good guest actors. And, you might be interested to know that "The Fires of Pompeii" uses the same sets as one of your favourite series! I'm sure you can guess which one!!

  4. Like you say, it just seems like more because they're all grouped together.

    Now if they'd let Stephen Moffat write that many episodes...

  5. ...then maybe the quality of the programme just might improve!

    Or, perhaps they should consider hiring more writers to provide a greater diversity of storyline.
