Sunday, 10 February 2008

Agent Provocateur

Holly Willoughby is a birthday girl! She’s 27 today!! When I wrote my post on her, three days ago, I didn’t know that; so, it gives me a further opportunity to stick up her picture on my blog… Yeah, any old excuse!

To be honest, I’m not really sure whether or not I find Holly attractive. She’s undeniably sexy but being attractive is a different thing altogether. The girl is all front, if you know what I mean, but attractiveness requires something going on up top other than big knockers!

Still, even though I don’t watch Miss Willoughby’s show, I hope she has a nice day. She’s at an age when birthdays still mean something, although she says there is nothing she wants. What do you buy a girl who, probably, already has everything? Well, she answered that one with, “As long as I get some Agent Provocateur underwear, I’ll be happy.” You and me both, love! I think my budget could stretch to that… Yes, I’m sure I can rise to the occasion!! The old ones are the best, eh?

Anyway, Happy Birthday to the dolly that is Holly!


  1. As Ray Carling would say... a nice pair of puppies. She is but is also kind of bland in an odd kind of way. I never did go for that traditional "American" blonde and blue-eyed look... as you know, I much prefer brunettes. But Holly definitely deserves some nice knickers for her birthday. I hope she gets them. ;-)

  2. "She is pretty" that was supposed to say. I think I may have to avoid typing before 8.0am in future... my brain isn't quite in gear.

  3. Ray was certainly impressed with Alex's, as he gazed upon them through the car window, though doesn't seem like the kind of guy to study periodicals!

  4. MY EYES !!!!!!!

    MY PANTS !!!!!!

    I'll take the puppies with the pink noses !!

  5. Just remember, Andrew, a pet is for life!
