Friday, 25 January 2008

All Change

Doctor Who Classics: The Doctor Regenerates

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This is a favourite moment of mine from classic “Doctor Who”. It’s not particularly representative of the rest of the serial from which it’s taken, which, it should go without saying, is staggeringly brilliant from beginning to end; even without the addition of this superlative coda. These few minutes were simply the mud-encrusted icing on the richly-refined cake…


  1. Good clip Tim! I remember racing back from an outing with my church youth to watch this episode and being thrilled by it - great climax to a great story. Such a shame that what followed it ("The Twin Dilemma") was a pile of complete and utter pants...In fact for me "The Caves of Adrozani" was really the last great DW classic story...

    Colin Baker's lines are hilarious: "Three "I"s in one breath - makes you sound a rather egotistical young lady...?" A shame that after this his portrayal of the Dr became less likable though - I didn't really enjoy his bullying, sometimes bombastic persona. I think Peter Davison should have stuck it out for longer. Then again can you imagine Peter D acting in "Lame Sh*t" I mean "Timelash"?!?? Not really worthy of someone of his calibre...

  2. I really like PD... I really hated CB. This was pretty much where me and the Dr. parted ways, pre-CE/DT.

  3. I just wanted to try out the BBC's new MySpaceTV service to see if it worked! YouTube has the same clip but, bizarrely, the embedding code is disabled. Additionally, the picture quality of the clip is better on MySpace.

    Regarding "The Caves of Androzani" itself, I remember being totally stunned by how visceral it seemed compared to everything that had gone before in recent years of "Doctor Who". Definitely a classic.

    I disagree about "The Caves of Androzani" being the last classic, though. I believe five more followed... "Revelation of the Daleks", the following year, and four from the last two years of the Eighties: "Remembrance of the Daleks", "The Greatest Show in the Galaxy", "Ghost Light" and "The Curse of Fenric".

    I would've been interested in seeing Peter Davison as the Doctor in "Revelation of the Daleks" but, don't forget, while "Timelash" doesn't win any popularity awards neither does "Time-Flight"!

    I have to admit, I would rather watch Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy as the Doctor than Chris Eccleston and David Tennant, which isn't to say the most recent incarnations aren't good actors elsewhere!
