Monday, 31 December 2007

Death and the Maiden

Could Lucy Griffiths be the next “Bionic Woman”? Very much looks like it as she works up a sweat in this candid! Nice to see there’s plenty of life left in the young lady and that news of her death has been greatly exaggerated!!

Actually, it’s Lucy’s character Maid Marian, in “Robin Hood”, who has sadly shuffled off this mortal coil.

And, the reason for posting this picture is to add to Steve’s burgeoning collection at Bloggertropolis! He has shown much affection for Lucy, of late, and I know he will appreciate this addition to his hard drive!!

Finally, while I’m at it, I’d just like to take the opportunity to wish all my readers a very Happy New Year! Or, as they say in Vienna, Prosit Neujahr!!


  1. It IS much appreciated! Many thanks. That's started my day with a big smile. And nice to know the show has not left any unsightly scars on Lucy's nicely rounded belly... ;-)

    Wishing you a very happy, very prosperous New Year. Looking forward to reading your postings in 2008!

  2. Lucy does indeed have a very nice tummy! Now she's available for work, wouldn't it be interesting were she to join the cast of "Doctor Who". Preferable to any of the companions since the series returned. Anyway, glad the pic made you smile, that was the intention.

    A very happy New Year to you, too, Steve and hope your first full year as a family of four is all you wish for.

  3. It would be very interesting if Lucy joined Doctor Who... in fact it would be a superlative move by RTD. What a pity it is only a dream!

    Thank you as ever for your good wishes - hoping 2008 is a fabulous year for you too.

  4. See another picture of a young lady, no wonder my eyes are bad ! Have a very Happy New Year !!

  5. When I first saw Lucy in episode one of "Robin Hood", Steve, my first thought was why can't we have somebody like her in "Doctor Who"!

    Do you think the pictures detract from what I'm trying to say, though, Andrew?! ;) A very happy New Year to you, too, and I'm almost certain to be posting a few more throughout the coming year!!

  6. I'd be interested to see the new "Bionic Woman". Such a pity it's been axed and for Michelle Ryan too. She wasn't bad in DW and certainly dazzles in the looks department. Anyway, hopefully the short-lived "Bionic Woman" will get a showing over here?

    I wonder if it features any fembots?

    Happy New Year by the way!

  7. Whoops, meant to say Ms Ryan wasn't bad in Eastenders, not Dr Who! Or was that wishful thinking? Well she couldn't be any worse then Catherine "Why are you calling me Miss" Tate! Aaaaah! Feed that woman to the Ood!

  8. Belated Happy New Year Tim, to you and oyur family. Hope 2008 is a happy and prosperous one.

  9. "Bionic Woman" should be on ITV2 sometime soon, Simon, as it is already featuring in their New Year trailers.

    The Ood are gOod, but Tate... second-rate! Sorry, couldn't resist!!

  10. Excellent! Well I have to try and catch it when ITV2 show it.

    I suspect I may soon be joining you in the "Tate = second rate" viewpoint! Oh dear...
