Thursday, 17 May 2007

Next Time is the Best Time

This is the next time trailer for “42” which would have appeared at the end of “The Lazarus Experiment” had it not been replaced by the coming up sequence purportedly created to carry fans over the one week hiatus! I wonder which ending will find its way onto the DVD release, the one shown or this one, as originally intended?


  1. I am guessing from all your blog entries that you are very much looking forward to this episode? I am trying hard to miss seeing what the upcomming episodes are about. I like to see it happening rather than knowing what is going to happen. Sometimes though my curiousity gets in the way of that. so far I have been good and have only read your own comments on it (I didn't watch the links). I think the DVD release will probably show the trailer for "42" rather than what was aired at the end of Lazarus. I also think that any repeats will now show the trailor. You never know though.

  2. Yes, I agree with Karen, I think you are rather excited about this one Tim! (Feeling a little HOT under the collar perhaps? Are you HOT with anticipation?)

    I know what you mean about the trailers Karen - they do spoil it somewhat. I can't actually understand why they have to include them on the DVDs - it kind of "spoils" the end titles, interferes with them almost! And having the stories all on one boxset kind of renders the trailers pointless - why are they necessary? Whereas I can understand them being shown at the end of each episode on TV - they're the hook that will get people tuning in next week and are there to whet the appetite! Okay rant over.

  3. Hmm. The trailer reminds me a little of the episode featuring the Ood from the previous series. It's got that deep space mining feel to it. Who is the guest female lead? She looks very familiar.

  4. Michelle Collins aka Cindy from Eastenders!

    Perhaps Ian Beale will turn out to be the monster?

  5. Wow. Maybe I have questionable taste but she looks quite hot.

  6. You guessed right, Karen. I am looking forward to this episode despite it being written by Chris Chibnall. Hopefully, he may write for "Doctor Who" more effectively than he did "Torchwood"! I've been a fan of this story's director, though, since 1984!! Sorry I couldn't tempt you to watch the clips!!!

    The trouble with getting too excited over something, Simon, is that often the anticipation is more stimulating than the actual event! Let's hope this is not the case with "42"!!

    I think the trailers are left intact on the DVDs because to edit them out is more trouble than it's worth and probably costly too. Also, most consumers want the episodes as seen on TV!

    The trailer reminds me of the same story, Steve, another reason why I think "42" could be HOT as "The Impossible Planet" was by far my favourite from the last series. Could it have something to do with the fact that the Doctor is wearing the same space helmet?!!

    Maybe Ms Collins looks HOT because she's heading for the Sun! To get that all-important sweaty look, she was covered with baby oil and sprayed with water!! Hope I'm not painting too vivid a picture!!!

  7. Baby oil? BABY OIL?! I may just have to tape tonight's episode of DW just so I can watch it again and again - purely to check for continuity errors, you understand...
