Wednesday, 4 April 2007

When Two Worlds Collide…

This trailer takes us right up to the end of the latest third series of “Doctor Who” including brief clips of Sir Derek Jacobi as the Professor in episode eleven, toasting “Utopia”, and the appearance of “Life on Mars” actor John Simm, as “Mr Saxon”, in the final two episodes. John doesn’t say anything but appears to be on a television monitor presumably partaking in a spot of political campaigning! I think that’s what they call it when power-mad peeps try to suppress the rights of the individual!!

Also featured are John Barrowman as Captain Jack Harkness, returning to the show only to find it severely changed, personnel wise! How on Earth is he going to recognise anyone? Will he like Martha as much as he did Rose? Will he wanna kiss Davey-boy as much as he did Chris?!! All pertinent questions! Me, I wonder how Rose feels knowing she will never learn the secret the Face of Boe is waiting to impart in episode three!!

Mark Gatiss looks on fine form in episode six as Dr Lazarus. Interesting that he’s acting in the series this year, having narrated “Confidential” last year, whereas Tony Head, having acted in the show last year, is narrating “Confidential” this year! Simon Pegg managed both in the first year appearing as the Editor in “The Long Game” whilst also narrating “Confidential”!! Enough plugs for the BBC THREE documentary series!!!

Best of all, the 82-second trailer, which is available on loop to Sky and Virgin subscribers but not Freeview users, includes brief footage of delectable “Spooks” actress Miranda Raison as a showgirl in the Dalek episodes, who seem to be whizzing about all over the place exterminating everything in sight. Regular readers of my blog will know I’m rather partial to naughty Miranda! I demand to be transported back to 1930s New York this minute!! I don’t mind fending off the Pig Men to save her!!!

More curiously, the Doctor seems to be with someone in a wedding dress… again! It’s not Donna. Her name’s Joan and she’s played by Jessica Stevenson, who’s just tied the knot for real herself, in the two-part story by Paul Cornell. Could the Time Lord really be considering taking a wife, getting married, a mortgage, settling down and all that?!! He did mention something of the sort in “The Impossible Planet”. Even more curiously, he tells Martha he’s not the Doctor! Who is he then, Tony Blair? Watch and enjoy!!!


  1. Thanks for that. It looks good. Even though I still feel that the Daleks are being used too much I can't help but look forward to those episodes. Those flying Daleks looked impressive!

    I actually thought of you while watching Martha's family in the first episode. Glad they aren't going to be in it quite as much.

    The Captain Jack episodes are the ones I am most looking forward to. But it all looks so good!

  2. It's going to be good seeing Derek Jacobi on TV again - and even better to see him on DW!

  3. Glad you enjoyed the trailer, Karen. The Daleks look as though they’re straight out of one of their annuals from the 60s, in which they could always fly! Nice to know you were thinking of me, as well. I wonder what you thought I was thinking when Martha’s family appeared? If you assumed I was cringing at the voice of Martha’s Dad’s girlfriend then you know me well!! Come back Jackie, all is forgiven!!!

    I’m sure you noticed, Steve, that as soon as Derek Jacobi speaks, in the trailer, there’s a feeling the quality of acting has just increased markedly! I had the same response when Richard Wilson appeared, albeit briefly, in the first series!!
