Friday, 6 April 2007

The Play’s the Thing - Episode Two Trailer

The time is out of joint. Oh, cursèd spite
That ever I was born to set it right!

Dean Lennox Kelly guest stars as William Shakespeare in the second episode of the third series of new “Doctor Who”, “The Shakespeare Code”. I’m unfamiliar with this actor’s work, although I know his name. Despite enjoying previous productions involving David Threlfall, Maggie O’Neill and “Cracker” writer Paul Abbott, I’ve never watched an episode of “Shameless”, all the way through, due to my aversion to dramas relentlessly set on housing estates! Therefore, I’m unfamiliar with Dean’s main claim to fame, to date.

The supporting actress in the latest episode is Christina Cole, in this case a name with which I’m unfamiliar, although I’ve seen some of her work! Last year, on television, she appeared as Blanche Ingram in the BBC’s excellent adaptation of “Jane Eyre” while, in the cinema, she was the Ocean Club Receptionist in Bond comeback “Casino Royale”. “Doctor Who” isn’t her first brush with fantasy as she played Cassie Hughes in eight episodes of “Hex”. In “The Shakespeare Code”, she plays the lead female witch Lilith. Both actors can be seen at the usual time of 7pm, this Saturday, on BBC1. Miss it at your peril!


  1. Personally I'm really looking forward to Dean Lennox Kelly's appearance in Who-world. I came rather late to Shameless and though I think the current series is absolutely appalling the previous three were acting and drama of the highest calibre. It'll be interesting to see what he does with the Will Shakespeare role...

  2. Just watched it and loved it! Dean Lennox was pretty good I thought, and obviously playing Shakespeare as a more down to earth fellow which was an interesting approach. I loved all the in jokes about his lines - there was a real knowingness there - and he worked well with the Doc and Martha. And the Martha-Shakey flirtation thing was funny too. Christina Cole was actually pretty excellent as the villainess, very attractive but also convincing and commanding too. The period/sets looked very authentic - the Beeb had obviously put a fair bit of money into it. Overall I found this episode a real delight!

  3. I think you enjoyed it more than I did!
