Tuesday, 9 January 2007

The Gospel According to Charlotte Church!

Recently, when I saw the above pictures of Charlotte Church at the Pride of Britain Awards 2005, I thought how remarkably similar she looks to Eve Myles as Gwen Cooper in "Torchwood". It might have something to do with her fringe, or the make-up, or the fact that they're both from Wales! Perhaps there's a cloning operation going on in Cardiff about to be uncovered in the second series? Anyhow, below is a second gallery of the delectable - and doesn't she know it - Ms Church making a right Charlie of herself, in a nice way, in more-familiar skimpy attire!! And, my excuse, if I need one? Well, it's my birthday today and I decided I needed a treat!!!


  1. A belated Happy Birthday to you!

    So I guess Charlotte Church wrapped up in a box would be your ideal present?

  2. Many thanks for the Birthday wishes.

    With regards Charlotte Church, I'm not sure I could handle her!

  3. She is a bit of a handful isn't she? According to all the stories in the media anyway.
