Friday, 16 June 2006

Rose goes!

It came as no surprise to hear about the departure of Billie Piper from "Doctor Who" at the end of its current run. By default, this is the only possible outcome for the second season. There were two things, according to Mickey/Ricky actor Noel Clarke, that the production team had managed to keep secret, which hadn't been leaked to the press. The first was the departure of Mickey. So, it had to be something bigger than that for the season climax. It seemed unlikely, then, that it would be Rose's Mum Jackie because the exit of Camille Coduri, being a semi-regular in the cast, would only be on a par with Mickey. Therefore, having already seen the departure of Christopher Eccleston's Doctor, as the climax to the first season, and assuming Tennant is staying, what else could it have been but the removal of Rose?

The point of interest now isn't that Rose Tyler is leaving but the manner of her departure. The irony is that, on the BBC's "Doctor Who" website's newspage, the top story has remained a denial of Piper's exodus for numerous months while RTD claims the end of "Doomsday" hasn't been hastily rewritten, after a squabble over money, but was planned over a year ago. That would mean they always knew Billie Piper would be moving on at this time which makes the BBC report, shall we say, contradictory! If the Beeb maintained this position to avoid the fiasco created last year, when Chris withdrew from the programme so early into its first run, then why inform the public at this stage, with four episodes still to air? Couldn't the BBC have maintained radio silence just a little longer and allowed the viewer the surprise of Rose's retirement or has the information been released now to bolster decreasing viewing figures?

Whatever the politics, the close of Rose's adventures in time and space could be utilised to take the show in new directions. It means the Doctor has no reason to return to the Powell Estate any more. The problem, although I don't suppose the Executive Producer sees it as one, is that, with Russell still at the helm of the TARDIS, Season Three will probably continue along the same lines as its predecessors. I suspect there will be a story in which, whilst fending off some supporting aliens, the Doctor returns to Rose's home to see how Jackie is coping without her daughter. She'll no doubt blame the Time Lord and he'll offer to take her back to the moment just before her demise for reconciliation and closure. If only it hadn't already been done, I could've submitted the story line... although recycling previous ideas hasn't stopped them yet!

And now the conjecture begins again in earnest! Who's next? Which actress, or actor, will take Billie Piper's place aboard the TARDIS? I'm not a believer but, God forbid, it should be Rose's Mum!!! I was very impressed with the actress who played Scooti Manista in the first half-hour of "The Impossible Planet". She would be my choice. MyAnna Buring showed great courage and commitment, considering the short screen time, in shooting underwater, in the tank at Pinewood, for her death scene floating through space towards the black hole. She has an interesting voice, slightly nasal-sounding, a little like Emily Corrie's from "As If". And it isn't unheard of to cast someone who has previously appeared as a guest in the series in one of the major roles. Colin Baker and Lalla Ward immediately spring to mind to long-term fans but, more recently, Eve Myles, from "The Unquiet Dead", has been cast in a new role in "Torchwood" alongside John Barrowman (reprising his part from "Doctor Who" as Captain Jack). No doubt Rose's replacement has already been cast but I would prefer an actress who hasn't already been a pop star. I wonder who will be David Tennant's new companion?


  1. Dervla Kirwan - older and therefore able to open up different story avenues, and gorgeous to boot.

  2. Hooray!

    I'm really not a sadistic person, but I do hope Rose dies in the most excruciating agony.

  3. I'm still celebrating.
